• 437 words
• 3 minute read
Things never pan out how you think they will.
To be frank, I have put quite a bit of effort into my goals thus far, but I’ve had trouble showing for it on this blog. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, either. I’m doing well in school, on that miserable job search grind, and, interestingly enough, writing a lot. However, none of this writing is available to the public anywhere, and I don’t mind keeping it that way.
At one point, I committed to writing here monthly - I write enough to draft a high-effort post once per week at this point, but I’ve been focusing on writing for myself rather than for this site. I was listening to a podcast recently that discussed how, in general, we’re getting dumber in nearly all metrics. One of the hosts spoke on how, personally, they found it was easier to find the words they wanted to eloquently express their ideas when he’s both writing and reading regularly. Media consumption today is overwhelming visual, so I find that using writing as a means of replacing something like YouTube has been an excellent exercise and probably good for my brain.
I don’t think my writing is good. Actually, I hate reading most of what I write. Although I enjoy a style and tone that cuts through the BS and is somewhat matter-of-fact for this blog, my personal writing is much different. There’s multitudes of creative writing exercises (e.g., write an entire page about an apple) that force the author to consider where to be flowery, expressive, and long-winded, and multitudes where the author is compelled to be sparing (e.g., consider this complex scene and capture it in two sentences). There’s no doubt I am proficient in the English language (considering it is the only language I speak, I better be), but I often dislike how I communicate meaning. I want to be able to speak like I’ve meditated on what’s about to come out of my mouth for minutes. This won’t happen overnight. Perhaps it will never happen - it’s a lofty expectation, after all. Regardless, this is to say that I’ve been enjoying writing for my eyes only and reflecting how communication, in all mediums, is an art.
All things considered, there may be a long silence on this blog. I enjoy writing about my travels and personal ventures, but, at some point, I want to put together a series of posts that really explores one of my interests in excruciating detail. I don’t have the time, energy, nor writing prowess to do that now.
Until next time, au revoir.