Keenan Schott
Keenan Schott
Student at the University of Washington

Mt. Lincoln

A staple of Colorado’s outdoor culture is undoubtedly hiking 14ers, or the mountains that exceed 14,000 feet of elevation. Colorado has 53 14ers, California has 12, and Washington has 2 (Mount Rainier is definitely on the to-do list). I was approaching the end of my time in Colorado this summer and had yet to hike a 14er, so a buddy of mine and I decided to tackle Mount Lincoln, the 37th highest peak in North America. We started our day early, around four in the morning. The tone was set when we were passing through Frisco and I was pulled over for speeding. Read more...

Colorado School of Mines

After just over two months since graduating from the Colorado School of Mines, I find myself reflecting on my time in Golden. While there will be a future post dedicated solely to my personal growth and favorite moments during my three years in Colorado, that moment will likely coincide with my departure in August. This post focuses exclusively on my academic endeavors, aiming to capture the ways in which I attempted to better myself. To concisely summarize the entirety of my experiences is an impossible task. I considered discussing the interesting technical knowledge I now have under my belt; not only does that conversation fail to provide a sensible close to this era of my life, but it can’t provide you, the reader, with anything worthwhile. Read more...

Getting Started

Setting expectations is never easy. Regardless, starting in July, expect new blog posts around the fifteenth of every month!

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